Syllabus of the 4th Year Veterinary Science

1.Veterinary Surgery and Radiology
2.Veterinary Medicine
3.Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics
4.Veterinary Clinical Practices –II


      Introduction: Historical perspective, Definitions, classification of surgery, tenets of Halsted. Pre-operative, intraoperative and post-operative considerations: History taking, physical examination, clinico-pathological testing, intraoperative and postoperative care.
Sterilization and disinfection: Definitions, surgical sterilization, various methods of sterilization (Heat, chemical and radiations etc.), disinfections.
Sutures: Definitions, suturing, factors influencing suturing, characteristics of an ideal suture material, types of suture material-absorbable and non-absorbable, surgical knots, various suture patterns-apposition, eversion, inversion and special. Treatment of acute and chronic inflammation: Use of anti-inflammatory drugs and proteolytic enzymes. Haemostasis (physical and chemical methods, systemic haemostats, surgical diathermy)
Basic surgical affections: Definitions, classification, diagnosis and treatment of abscess, tumour, cyst, hernia, haematoma, necrosis, gangrene, burn and scald, frost bite and surgical affections of muscles, artery and vein, sinus and fistula.
Wounds: Definition, classification, examination and diagnosis, general principles for treatment of aseptic, contaminated and septic wounds, healing and factors affecting wound healing, complications of wounds and their remedies. Surgical infection; their prevention and management: Classification of infection, Introduction to biomaterials and stem cell therapy in wound management Management of surgical shock. Principles of fluid therapy in surgical patients.

        Introduction: Development of anaesthesiology, Terminology, classification and indications. General considerations of anaesthesia: Factors affecting anaesthesia and selection of anaesthetic technique, factors modifying uptake, distribution and elimination, patient evaluation, categories of patients according to physical status, selection of anaesthetic agent and patient preparation. Pain and its management in animals Local and regional anaesthesia: Definitions, local anaesthetics, mechanism of action Premedication, properties and use of different preanaesthetics: Uses of premedication, , Anticholinergic, sedatives and tranquilizers (Phenothiazine derivatives, Benzodiazepines, Butyrophenones, Narcotic analgesics, Alpha-2 agonists, dosage chart of all the drugs.
General anaesthesia: Definitions, methods of induction of anaesthesia, Intravenous anaesthetics (Total intravenous anaesthesia), monitoring of anaesthesia.
Inhalation anaesthesia: Advantages of inhalant anaesthetics, types of inhalant anaesthetics their properties and effect on various systems, methods of administration of inhalant anaesthesia.
Dissociative anaesthesia: Definition, drugs, clinical application, properties and effect on various body systems. Avian, wild, zoo, exotics and lab animal anaesthesia and capture myopathy Anaesthetic emergencies and management, Toxicity, antidote and reversal agents.

        Introduction to Radiology-General terminology of radiology, Physical properties of X-Rays, Scope and uses of Radiology, Directional terms for veterinary radiology. Production of X-rays and factors influencing production of Xrays. Radiation hazards and safety measures- Scattered radiation, Biological effects of radiation, Direct and indirect effects, Early and late effects, Radiation sensitivity of different body cells, Radiation protection, General principles of radiation safety, Radiation monitoring devices, Requirement of an ideal radiographic section. The statutory requirements of radiology set-up as per Atomic Energy Regulatory Board of India (AERB). Production of quality diagnostic radiograph. Recording of image- Manual and digital processing of X-ray films, storage and retrieval system. Radiographic Quality and faults- Radiographic detail, density and contrast and factors affecting them, Radiographic faults, their possible causes and prevention. Contrast radiography- Definition, indications, contraindications and types of contrast radiography, Different contrast materials and their use, Techniques of some selected contrast radiography in animals(Barium swallow, Retrograde urography etc) Diagnostic ultrasonography- Principles, indications, techniques and artifacts of ultrasonography. Advanced diagnostic imaging tools- The brief introduction to the use and limits of some advanced imaging techniques, Interventional radiology - CAT scanning, MRI, etc. 

        Head and Neck: Affections of lips, cleft palate, tongue, cheek, and their treatment: General anatomical considerations, avulsion of lip, cleft lip ranula, neoplasm and traumatic injuries. Affections of teeth and jaws and their treatment: General anatomical considerations, Developmental abnormalities, dental tartar, periodontal disease, overgrown molars, fractures and luxations of jaw. Affections of nose, face, ear, head and horn and their treatment: General anatomical considerations.

          Brachycephalic syndrome, Stenotic nostrils, nasal polyps, empyema of sinuses, fracture and avulsion of horn, horn cancer, aural haematoma, otitis. Affections of eye and their treatment: General anatomical considerations and examination of eye. Affections of eyelids and nictitating membrane and their treatment: entropion, ectropion, chalazion, sty, Cherry eye and traumatic injuries. Affections of lachrymal apparatus, eyeball and orbit and their treatment: occlusion of nasolacrimal duct, traumatic proptosis, panophthalmia, orbital neoplasms, glaucoma, eye worms. Affections of cornea, iris and lens and their treatment: corneal ulcers, corneal opacity, Kerato Conjunctivitis Sicca (KCS), prolapse of iris, corneal dermoid, corneal lacerations and perforations, cataract. Affections of guttural pouch, oesophagus and their treatment: General anatomical considerations. Empyema, tympanitis and Mycosis of guttural pouch, oesophageal diverticulum, megaoesophagus, achalasia and choke. Affections of glands of head and neck and their treatment: General anatomical considerations. Salivary mucocele, sialoliths, salivary fistula Affections of neck and their treatment: General anatomical considerations. Yoke gall, yoke abscess, fistulous withers, poll evil, torticollis. Affections of larynx and Trachea: Tracheal collapse, stenosis, roaring in horses, dorsal entrapment of soft palate in horses and camels, emergency tracheotomy. Management of ocular emergencies. Tracheotomy 

         Thorax and Abdomen: Thoracic affections: Surgical approaches, perforated wounds, pyothorax, pneumothorax, pneumocele, Diaphragmatic hernia and traumatic pericarditis in cattle. Abdominal affections: Surgical approach to the abdomen in different animal species. Common surgical affections of the stomach in dogs and their management: dilation and torsion of stomach, gastric ulcerations, foreign bodies in the stomach, pyloric stenosis. etc Surgical affections of the stomach in large animal and their management: Ruminal impaction, traumatic reticulitis, omasal and abomasal impaction and abomasal displacement. Surgical affections of small intestines and their management: Intestinal obstruction, intussusception and strangulation (volvulus). Techniques of intestinal anastomosis. Surgical affections of large intestine and their management: Caecal dilatation and torsion, rectal prolapse, rectal and perineal tear, recto-vaginal fistula. Surgical affections of anus and perineal region and their management: Atresia-ani, anal stenosis, anal sac impaction. Other surgical affections of abdomen and their management: Perforating wounds and fistulae of abdomen, umbilical hernia, ventral abdominal hernia, inguinal and scrotal hernia, perineal hernia. Urinary system: Urolithiasis and its management. Urolithiasis in small and large animals. Patent urachus, ectopic ureter. Surgical management of equine colic. Genital system: Surgical affections of male genital system and their management, prostatic enlargementor hyperplasiaor neoplasm, Phimosis, paraphimosis, preputial prolapse, penile amputation. Castration, vasectomy, scrotal ablation in large and small animals. Surgical affections of female genital system and their management: Canine transmissible venereal tumour. Ovariohysterectomy and caesarean section. Applications of rigid and flexible endoscopes in the management of surgical disorders. Integumentary system: Surgical affections of udder, teat and canine mammary neoplasms. Surgical affections of tail and tail docking Wildorzoo animal surgery(only awareness).

           Body conformation of the horse in relation to lameness (trunk, fore limb and hind limb). Lameness: Its definition classification and diagnosis. General methods of therapy for lameness. Body and limb conformation in relation to lameness in equine.
Equine lameness: Shoulder slip (sweeny), bicipital bursitis, omarthritis, capped elbow, radial paralysis, carpitis. bent knee, and knock- knee. Hygroma of knee, open knee, blemished knee. Fracture of carpal bone, fracture of accessory carpal, contraction of digital flexors. Splints, sore shin, wind puffs, sesamoid iris Osstots, ringbone, quittor, side bone, Navicular disease, pyramidal disease. Laminitis, sand crack, seedy toe, fractures of third phalanx, pedal osteitis, and sole penetration. Canker, thrush and corn, Monday morning disease, cording up, myositis of psoas, Mac thrombosis, Crural paralysis, subluxation of sacroiliac joint rupture of round ligament trochantric bursitis. Upward fixation of patella, stringhalt, gonitis, chondromalacia of patella, rupture of tendoachilles, rupture of peroneus tertius, fibrotic myopathy and ossifying myopathy. Thoroughpin, bog spavin, spavin, curb, capped hock.
Canine lameness: Intervertebral disc diseases, elbow and hip dysplasia, rupture of cruciate ligament, elbow hygroma etc.; their management, Onychectomy.
Bovine lameness: Contusion of sole, ulceration of sole, septic laminitis, avulsion of hoof and subluxation of patella, interdigital fibroma, cyst, sand crack, and hoof deformities.
Fracture: Definitions, classification, fracture healing and complications.
Fracture: The preliminary assessment and management of fractures. Techniques of external immobilization of fractures. Techniques of internal immobilization of fractures. Management of fracture complications
Luxations: Definition, signs, diagnosis. Management of common joint luxations in animals. Spinal trauma, diagnosis and its management Rehabilitation and physiotherapy of orthopaedic patients. 


        Introduction to layout of operation theatre and surgical unit. Introduction of common surgical equipment and instruments. Suture materials, surgical knots and suture patterns. General examination of surgical patients. Preparation of surgical patients. Other operation theatre routines like sterilization, preparation of theatre, Surgeon and surgical pack. Bandaging and basic wound management Demonstration (or Audio visual aids) of surgery, control of haemorrhage and suturing.

       Familiarization with anaesthetic apparatus, monitoring equipment and accessories. Methods of local infiltration analgesia (Linear ring block, inverted L block etc.) Regional nerve block demonstration and practice (Auriculopalpebral block, Peterson block or 4 point retrobulbar nerve block, Paravertebral, epidural etc.) Intravenous regional anaesthesia in cattle. Administration of general anaesthesia in small and large animals. (Demonstration and practice). Administration of inhalant anaesthesia (Demonstration). Monitoring of general anaesthesia. Management of anaesthetic emergencies, use of artificial respirator and analeptics. Visit to a wild animal facility or audio-visual aids or both.
          Familiarization with the operation of the x-ray unit. Formulation of X-ray exposure technique charts, Adoption of safety measures and film processing. Positioning and radiography of different parts of the body in small and large animals Handling, viewing and interpretation of radiograph. Familiarization with the film contrast, density and details, common radiographic artifacts. Radiographic pathology of the head, neck and thorax of large and small animals. Radiographic pathology of abdomen of large and small animals. Radiographic pathology of the bones and joints of large and small animals. Demonstration of contrast radiographic techniques in animals. Demonstration of ultrasonography in animals. Fluoroscopy or Image intensifier (familiarization). 

          Demonstration or Audio visual aids: Amputation of horn and disbudding. Tooth rasping, dental scaling. Examination of ear (otoscopy). Examination of eye (General examination, Ophthalmoscopy, tonometry, fluorescein dye test, Scherimer tear test, test for blindness). Operation for aural haematoma. Protection and bandage of eyes, tarsorhhaphy, third eyelid flap, flushing of nasolacrimal duct.

          Demonstration or Audio visual aids-Castration in different species in clinical cases and under animal birth control programme in canine. Ovariohysterectomy in dogs and cats. Rumenotomy, Gastrotomy in dogs, Urethrotomy and urethrostomy. Cystotomy and cystorrhaphy. Enterotomy or Enterectomy. Management of teat and udder affections. Amputation of tail in different animals in clinical cases. Circumcision operation for prepucial and rectalprolapse. Thoracocentesis and abdominocentesis.

          Demonstration or Audio visual aids-Familiarization with various orthopaedic instruments and implants. Basic orthopaedic and neurological examination in small and large animals. Nerve blocks in equine. Application of basic physiotherapy techniques in animals. Basic limb stabilization techniques and splinting techniques. Application of cast in small and large animals. Internal fixation techniques in animals. Medial patellar desmotomy in bovines. Examination of animals for soundness and preparation of soundness certificate.


Paper-I            1, 2, 3 and 4         100                            20
Paper-II            5 and 6                100                           20
Paper-I             1, 2, 3 and 4         60                            20
Paper – II           5 and 6               60                            20



        History and scope of Veterinary Medicine, concept of animal diseases. Concepts of diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. General systemic states, hyperthermia, hypothermia, fever, septicemia, toxemia, shock, allergy, anaphylaxis, oedema, coma, anaemia, common clinical poisonings and dehydration. Estimates of diseases, patterns of disease, disease monitoring and surveillance, herd health and quarantine.

          Etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control of the following diseases of cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat, horse, pig, dog, cat and poultry: Diseases of digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular, urinary, nervous, musculoskeletal, haemopoietic, and lymphatic systems, skin, sense organs including affections of peritoneum, liver and pancreas. Emergency medicine and critical care.

          Diagnosis and management of diseases caused by deficiency of iron, copper, cobalt, zinc, manganese, selenium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine, vitamin A, D, E, B complex, K and C. Diseases of neonates, Alternative or integrated or ethno veterinary medicine in animal disease management. Aetiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment prevention and control of metabolic or production and endocrine diseases of cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat, horse, pig, dog, cat and poultry i.e. Milk fever, eclampsia, osteodystrophy fibrosa, lactation tetany, downer cow syndrome, ketosis, fat cow syndrome, hypomagnesaemia, Nutritional haemoglobinuria, azoturia, diabetes, hypothyroidism, Cushing syndrome, Addison’s disease and Gout.

           Principles of zoo hygiene, public health problems arising from zoos. Prevention, control and treatment of infectious, parasitic, nutritional and metabolic diseases in zoo and wild animals including exotic birds. Acts and Rules related to Zoo and wild animals. National and international organizations and institutions interlinked to wild and zoo animals – role and functioning.

           Aetiology, epidemiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control of bacterial, fungal and rickettsial diseases of livestock: mastitis, hemorrhagic septicaemia, brucellosis, tuberculosis, Johne's disease, listeriosis, leptospirosis, campylobacteriosis, actinomycosis, actinobacillosis, bordetellosis, glanders, strangles, ulcerative lymphangitis, colibacillosis, fowl typhoid, pullorum disease, fowl cholera, avian mycoplasmosis, spirochaetosis, salmonellosis, swine erysipelas, contagious caprine pleuropneumonia, contagious bovine pleuropneumonia, anthrax, clostridial infections, ehrlichiosis, chlamydosis, Q fever, anaplasmosis, dermatophilosis, aspergillosis, candidiasis, histoplasmosis, sporotrichosis, coccidiodomycosis, mycotoxicosis and rhinosporidiosis.

           Aetiology, epidemiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control of viral and parasitic diseases of diseases of cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat, horse, pig, dog, cat and poultry: Foot and mouth disease, rinderpest, bovine viral diarrhoea, malignant catarrhal fever, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, ephemeral fever, blue tongue, sheep pox, goat pox, PPR, classical swine fever, rabies, equine influenza, equine infectious anemia, equine rhinopneumonitis, canine distemper, infectious canine hepatitis, canine parvoviral disease, corona viral infection, adeno virus infection, feline rhinotracheitis, feline pan leucopenia, feline infectious peritonitis, avian influenza, New Castle disease, Marek's disease, avian leucosis, infectious bronchitis, infectious laryngotracheitis, avian encaphalomyelitis, chicken reo virus, fowl pox, infectious bursal disease, chicken infectious anemia, inclusion body hepatitis-hydropericardium syndrome, emerging and exotic viral diseases of global importance. Parasitic diseases: Trematodes, cestodes, nematodes, protozoan infections and external parasites of clinical importance.

             Legal duties of veterinarians, laws related to medicine, evidence, common offences against animals and laws related to these offences. Examination of living and dead animals in criminal cases. Cruelty to animals and bestiality. Legal aspects of: Examination of animals for soundness, examination of injuries and post-mortem examination. Causes of sudden death in animals. Collection and despatch of materials for chemical examination, detection of frauds-doping, alternation of description, bishoping etc. Cattle slaughter and evidence procedure in courts. Provincial and Central Acts relating to animals. Glanders and Farcy Act 1899 (13 of 1899). Dourine Act 1910 (5 of 1910), Laws relating to offences affecting Public Health. Laws relating to poisons and adulteration of drugs. Livestock importation act, liability and insurance. Code of conduct and ethics for veterinarians - the regulations made under the Act. Animal welfare organizations and its role in animal welfare, welfare assessment, behaviour and animal welfare, principles and philosophy of animal welfare, animal welfare ethics, improving animal welfare through legislation and incentives, assessment of physiological, behavioural, disease and production measures of animal welfare, assessing welfare in practice, environment enrichment, euthanasia, welfare of animals used in education and research and transportation, religion and animal welfare, human and animal welfare conflict, veterinary disaster management, human−animal interactions, economics and animal welfare and veterinarians as animal welfare educators.

        Collection of history and general clinical examination. Collection, preservation, packing and dispatch of samples from clinical cases. Nasogastric and orogastric intubation in animals. Oxygen therapy in veterinary practice. Gastric and peritoneal lavage. Collection and examination of cerebrospinal fluid. Blood transfusion .

         Special examination of cardiovascular system. Examination of urinary system. Special examination of respiratory system. Special examination of gastrointestinal system. ECG, Echocardiography, Ultrasonography, Endoscopy. Special examination of sense organs. . Examination of eye and ear. Collection and examination of peritoneal fluid. Peritoneal dialysis. Neurological examination in animals. Lymph node biopsy and bone marrow aspirate. Methods of medication. Disease Estimation.

          Management and restraint of zoo and exotic animals. Drug delivery in zoo and wild animals. Visit to Zooor Sanctuary. Examination of veterolegal cases.

             PRACTICALS TB, JD and Mallein testing in animal. Brucellosis testing in animals. Physical and chemical tests for detection of mastitis. Application of molecular and serology techniques on clinical samples for disease diagnosis. Pen-side diagnostic tests for infectious diseases. Practical approaches to disease outbreak investigation and its control.

           Collection and examination of skin scrapings- Parasitic, fungal, bacterial. Examination of blood for parasites. Dark field microscopy. Application of Molecular and serological techniques or clinical samples for diagnosis of viral and parasitic diseases.

 Paper-I      1, 2, 3 and 4           100                             20
 Paper-II      5, 6 and 7             100                             20
 Paper-I        1, 2 and 3               60                              20
 Paper– II      4 and 5                 60                               20



           Bovine : Applied clinical anatomy and embryology of female reproductive tract - Hereditary and congenital anomalies of female reproductive tract –Puberty and sexual maturity and their endocrine control- Delayed puberty- Its causes, clinical approach, treatment and prevention of delayed puberty- Applied reproductive physiology and endocrinology of oestrous cycle- Oestrous cycle and factors affecting the length of the oestrous cycle-Aberrations of oestrus and their clinical management and problems in oestrus detection and oestrus detection aids –Transportation and survivability of gametes in female reproductive tract-Follicular Dynamics and its clinical impact on fertility improvement- ovulation and aberrations of ovulation-Incidence causes, diagnosis treatment and prevention of ovulatory failures- Fertilization and aberrations of fertilization- Fertilization failures - embryonic mortality-incidence, causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention – Pathological affections of ovary, uterine tubes, uterus, cervix , vagina and external genitalia – Clinical management of specific and non-specific forms of infectious infertility- Role of nutrition, climate and stress on reproductive efficiency - Managemental causes of infertility- Anoestrus and repeat breeding syndrome - Diagnostic procedures in infertility investigation – Clinical uses of hormones and drugs in the management of infertility- Surgical procedures for correction of abnormalities of the female reproductive tract. Herd reproductive health management and fertility parameters in individual animals and in herds. Assisted reproductive techniques: Synchronization of estrus and ovulation and its principle. methodology and implications- Multiple ovulation and Embryo transfer technology-In vitro fertilization. 
Equines: oestrous cycle- Seasonality- breeding management- Aberrations of oestrous cycle and ovulations- Techniques of Pregnancy diagnosis- Clinical management of specific and non-specific forms of infectious infertility- Diagnostic procedures in infertility investigation 

Ovines and caprines: oestrous cycle- Seasonality- Control of oestrous cycle and infertility

Swines: oestrous cycle- breeding management- Techniques of Pregnancy diagnosis and infertility

Canines and Felines: oestrous cycle- breeding management- Phantom pregnancy- Medical termination of pregnancy – Aberrations of oestrous cycle- Medical and surgical management of affections of ovary, uterine tubes, uterus, cervix, vagina and external genitalia – Methods of Population control by medical and surgical techniques. Comparative reproductive events in camel Principle, procedure and application of ultrasonography in farm and pet animal reproduction

           Farm and pet animals - Maternal recognition of pregnancy – Applied Endocrinology of pregnancy – Pregnancy diagnosis- Duration of pregnancy -Factors affecting gestation length- Care and management of pregnant animals- Implantation, Placentation- Classification, functions –Wandering of ovum- Telegony- Superfetation and Superfecundation – Clinical management of specific and non specific causes of abortion, extra uterine pregnancy, dropsy of fetal membranes and fetus, mummification, maceration, cervicovaginal prolapse, uterine torsion and hysterocele. Parturition- Signs of approaching parturition - Stages of parturition - Initiation and induction of parturition - lactational disorders - Puerparium and factors affecting puerparium - Postpartum care of the dam and neonate in different species of farm and pet animals - Dystocia – Classification - Clinical signs and diagnosis - Handling of Fetal and maternal dystocia – Obstetrical interventions - Mutation – Forced extraction – Fetotomy – Cesarean section in small and large animals – Maternal obstetrical paralysis - Retention of fetal membranes, Total uterine prolapse and common metabolic diseases of puerperal period – Post partum hemorrhage – Sub involution of placental sites - Injuries incidental to parturition - Post partum uterine infections – Post partum resumption of ovarian activity . 

           Farm and pet animals - Comparative clinical reproductive anatomy and endocrinology of the male reproduction - Common congenital and genetic defects of the male reproductive tract – Puberty and sexual maturity and factors affecting them - Sexual behaviour and libido - Sperm transport, erection and ejaculation - Coital injuries and vices in male animals - Semen and ejaculate – Semen collection techniques- Structure of Spermatozoa - Semen evaluation - Semen extenders, dilution, preservation and post thaw evaluation - Artificial insemination techniques in farm and pet animals - Forms of male infertility - Impotentia coeundi and impotentia generandi – Affections of the scrotum, testis, accessory sex glands, penis and prepuce - Breeding soundness evaluation of bull – In vitro tests for evaluation of male fertility - Medical and surgical techniques for population control of the male reproduction – Surgical procedure on the male reproductive tract in farm and pet animals.


         Study of female genital organs using slaughter house specimens- Oestrus detection aids - Techniques of rectal palpation of female reproductive tract - Gynaecological equipment and instruments -Vaginal exfoliative cytology and vaginoscopy- Ultrasonography of female reproductive tract - Surgical procedures on the vulva, vagina and uterus-Study of pathological specimens of female genital tract- Demonstration and practice of ovario-hysterectomy and panhysterectomy- Diagnostic procedures in investigation of infertility in female animals.

      Study of pelvis and pelvimetry- Pregnancy diagnosis-Study of foetal membranes of domestic and pet animals -and identification of normal and abnormal foetal membranes-Approaching signs of parturition- Stages of parturition- Approach to an obstetrical case- Obstetrical anaesthesia - obstetrical instrument and equipment - Manipulation of foetal malpresentation in phantom boxes - Maternal causes of dystocia and its management-Fetotomy in cadavers, Demonstration of forceps delivery and Caesarean section in small and large animal clinical cases. Handling of prolapse of genitalia.

           Study of male genital organs using slaughter house specimens- Techniques of rectal palpation of the male reproductive tract- Andrological and AI equipment -Vasectomy and castration -Surgical procedures on penis, prepuce and scrotum- Planning and organization of AI centre-Preparation of teaser animals -Selection, care, training and maintenance of male animal used for breeding purpose-Techniques of semen collection-Semen evaluation techniques -Sterilization, storage of equipment used for semen collection and Artificial insemination-Preparation of extenders and extension of semenPreservation of semen-Thawing of semen and technique of AI-Handling and maintenance of LN2 containers. Diagnostic procedures in investigation of infertility in male animals-Breeding soundness evaluation of bulls- Oestrus synchronization procedures- Multiple Ovulation and Embryo Transfer- In Vitro Fertilization.

Paper-I              1                    100                        20
Paper-II         2 and 3              100                        20
Paper-I               1                    60                         20
Paper- II        2 and 3              60                          20


          The students shall be Imparted the trainings on rotation basis in the following sections of Veterinary Clinical Complex (VCC):

Ambulatory Section: 
       Each Veterinary college should adopt five villages where in the health, production and treatment part should be taken care of in a holistic manner. Handling, examination, diagnosis and treatment of sick animals in the field conditions under the supervision of faculty. Ambulatory Clinics shall be operated by small groups of students and faculty of clinical departments through an equipped ambulatory mobile unit. 

Diagnostic Laboratory Section: 
      Veterinary Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory will be an important component of Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex that will impart training to students for laboratory evaluation and interpretation of clinical samples leading to definitive diagnosis of diseases. This activity will improve competence of students in examining clinical samples (biochemical, toxicological, pathological, parasitological and bacteriological) at the clinical complex, analyzing and correlating with clinical findings and interpreting the results. Collection labeling, transportation, and preservation of body fluid samples, writing results and report. Interpretation of data in relation to specific diseases. Clinical significance and interpretation of serum glucose, lipids, proteins, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, uric acid, ketone bodies, bilirubin and electrolytes from samples. Clinical significance and interpretation of examination of urine samples. Clinical evaluation of blood (Haemoglobin, packed cell volume, total erythrocytic count, erythrocytic sedimentation rate, total leukocytic count and differential leukocytic count) from clinical samples. Evaluation of acid-base balance and interpretation. Biochemical aspects of digestive disorders, endocrine functions. Liver, kidney and pancreatic function tests. Role of enzymes for detection of tissue or organ affection. Preparation of microscopic slides from tissue collected for diagnosis and its histopathological interpretation. Examination of biopsy and morbid material for laboratory diagnosis. Laboratory evaluation and diagnosis of samples for parasitic diseases (routine faecal examinations- direct smear method, simple sedimentation and floatation methods, quantitative faecal examination, pastural larval counts). Examination of skin scrapings, examination of blood. Orientation to a clinical Microbiology laboratory, collection, transport and processing of specimens from clinical cases for diagnosis of important bacterial, fungal and viral diseases. Isolation of bacteria from clinical samples, identification of bacteria by Grams staining and culturalor biochemical characteristics. Drug sensitivity and rationale for therapy. Diagnosis of diseases by employing tests like Agar Gel precipitation Test, ELISA etc. 

Note: The Laboratory shall run in collaboration with the Department of Pathology and Physiology and Biochemistry. Biochemist appointed in this section will be involved in teaching of students regarding principles of various diagnostic tests, normal and abnormal values in different species, differential diagnosis, correlating with diseases and rationale of arriving at the conclusion. 

Medicine Section:
       Orientation and understanding the working of Veterinary Clinics including hospital set up, administration and work force management. Understanding the different methods of record keeping, retrieval, processing, analysis and interpretation of data. Involvement in outpatient department (OPD), Indoor patient, Critical care or intensive care unit, sanitation, practice management etc. Doctor client interaction: Orientation to local language or dialect or local terminology of the diseases.

        Registration, filling up registration cards, clinical practice comprising of clinical examination of the patient, with emphasis on history taking, examination techniques- palpation, percussion and auscultation. Familiarization and practice of first aid procedures and emergency medicine. Practice of collection, labeling, packaging and evaluation of laboratory samples. Relating generic and trade names of drugs along with their doses, indications and contraindications to prescribed treatment regimens. 
          Systematic examination of various systems, recording of clinical observations viz. temperature, respiration, pulse, cardiac sounds, cardiac function, pulmonary function, functional motility of digestive system, routes and techniques of administration of medicaments. Tentative and confirmatory diagnosis and treatment of common clinical cases like pharyngitis, laryngitis, stomatitis, indigestion, gastritis, ruminal impaction, tympany, enteritis, traumatic reticuloperitonitis, traumatic pericarditis, pneumonia, haemoglobinurea, haematuria. milk fever, ketosis, rickets, osteomalacia, common poisoning, and others clinical cases as reported in the section. Collection of materials like urine, faeces, skin scraping, blood, milk and other body fluids for laboratory tests. Preparation of case records; follow-up records etc. Readiness to treat and handle causalities and other emergencies in the clinics. Learning and practicing passing of stomach and naso-gastric tube. Screening of livestock or poulty through tests, mass diagnostic campaigns. Vaccination and other disease prevention and control programmes in the field. 
      Learning the use of various advance non invasive diagnostic aids like Ultrasonography, Opthalmoscope etc. Practice of feeding of sick animals. Acts and regulations pertaining to generation and disposal of biomedical wastes in veterinary institutions. Biomedical waste generation, handling, storage, sorting, coding, transportation and disposal. Hazards of biomedical waste, and impact of biomedical waste on the environment. 

Gynecology and Obstetrics Section: 
            Practice of artificial insemination, pregnancy diagnosis, clinical examination and management of cases of anoestrus, silent oestrus, infertility and conception failure. Treatment of cases of metritis, cervicitis , vaginits etc. Handling and management of cases of retention of placentaorfetal membranes, ante and post partum prolapse of vagina. Examination and handling of cases of dystocia, fetotomy, caesarian etc. Castration of male calves, breeding soundness, evaluation of bulls, ovariohysterectomy and collection of cervical and vaginal mucus for cytology. Rectal examination and vaginal examination of genitalia. Familiarization with common drugs and hormones used in reproductive disorders including infertility, epidural and local anaesthesia for gynaecological cases. Filling of clinical case records and their maintenance. 

Surgery and Radiology Section: 
            Familiarization and understanding the use of equipments used in surgical sections of the VCC. Restraining and positioning of different species of animals for examinations, diagnosis and surgical treatment. Prescription of common drugs, their doses and uses in clinical surgical practice. Filling of clinical case records and their maintenance. Preparation and sterilization of surgical packs, instruments, drapes and operation theaters. Passing of stomach tube and gastric tube. Catheterization and urine collection. Techniques of examination of neuromuscular and skeletal functions, Familiarisation with antiseptic dressing techniques, bandaging, abdomino-centesis, thoracocentesis. Topography anatomy of animals. Radiographic positioning, terminology and interpretation.

      Treatment and Management of various surgical conditions including inflammation, wounds, abscess, cysts, tumors, hernia, haematoma, hemorrhage, sinus, fistula, necrosis, gangrene, bum, sprain, tendinits etc. Management and treatment of fractures, dislocations and other affections of joints, facial paralysis, Eye worm and other affections of Eye. Irregular teeth and their rasping, tail amputation, knuckling, upward fixation of patella (medical patellar desmotomy) etc. 

         Familiarisation with the landmarks for the approach to various visceral organs, thoraco-centesis, abdominocentesis. Rumenotomy, laparotomy, palpation and visualisation of viscera, urethrotomy, castration, vasectomy, caudectomy, thoracotomy, cystotomy, cystorraphy and spleenectomy. Examination of horse for soundness, lameness and preparation of certificate for soundness. Tenotomies, suturing of tendon, shortening of tendon. 

Pet Animal Section:
       Registration, filling up registration cards, history taking. Relating generic and trade names of drugs alongwith their doses, indications and contraindications to prescribed treatment regimens. Familiarization and practice of first aid procedures and emergency medicine. Practice of collection, labeling, packaging and evaluation of laboratory samples. Clinical examination techniques- palpation, percussion and auscultation, systematic examination of various systems, recording of clinical observations viz. temperature, respiration, pulse, cardiac sounds, cardiac function, pulmonary function, functional motility of digestive systems. Routes and techniques of administration of medicaments. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Collection of materials like urine, faeces, skin scraping, blood, milk and other body fluids for laboratory tests. Preparation of case records; follow-up records etc. Vaccination and other disease prevention and control programmes. Practice of pregnancy diagnosis, examination of cases of anoestrus, silent oestrus and conception failure. Rectal examination of genitalia, vaginal examination. Epidural and local anaesthesia for gynaecological cases. Resteraining and positioning techniques for examination, diagnosis and surgical treatment. Preparation of surgical packs, sterilization procedures for surgical instruments. Passing of stomach tube and gastric tube. Catheterization and urine collection. Familiarization with antiseptic dressing techniques. Topography anatomy of pet animals. Radiographic positioning and terminology. 

     The practical component will be dealt with internally. The examination for VCP shall be conducted twice a year i.e. first practical exam after completion of 50% syllabus and the second one, when the course is completed but the second exam shall comprise of entire syllabus. Annual professional examination shall be held after the completion of 100% course content in each subject. 

The examination should comprise of following components:
 (i) Submission of 10 complete cases each of Surgery, Medicine, Gynaecology
 (ii) Case presentation 
(iii) Review of treatment of 5 cases 
(iv) Written Objective Questions (Surgery, Medicine, Gynaecology 
(v) and Lab diognosis)
(vi) Viva

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